fog enveloped the air
making it impossible
to see
even a foot in front of you.
so many areas of life
you try to rush ahead.
you try to dissipate the fog.
but you can feel the thickness hanging in the air
despite all of your efforts.
“so what do i do now?” she asked.
you swim in the sea,
letting the crisp water
remind you
that you’re alive.
you drink in the sunshine
and wild salty air.
you inhale with the waves.
you feel the sand under your feet.
you walk slowly,
collecting seashells
of your favorite colors.
my darling,
you keep.
that’s what you do
in the uncertainty.
you keep.
you keep waking up.
you keep trusting,
even if you can’t see.
you keep breathing,
even if you’re shaking.
you keep walking,
even if you don’t know
where you’re being led.
r i s e
because soon enough, the fog will
& the sun will reveal it all.
